Become a Sponsor
Your donation makes a huge difference in the community and is 100% tax-deductible! SWE San Diego is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization under Federal Tax ID# 22-3192100.
Below are several options for Corporate and Individual Sponsorships and how you can support our Section. You may donate your contribution electronically via the PayPal link. To pay by check or address any questions, please email Sponsorship Committee at Checks may be addressed to: "SWE San Diego", P.O. Box 881205, San Diego, CA 92168-1205
CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP of the SWE San Diego County Professional Section provides vital funding to support our long-standing tradition of awarding academic scholarships, providing outstanding K-16 engineering student outreach, and quality member programs. Help us advance the aspirations of women in engineering! For further details on sponsorship opportunities including recognition and visibility on our website, in our newsletters, in programs and signature events as well as advertising and job postings, please contact the Sponsorship Committee.
INDIVIDUAL SPONSORSHIP - Thank you for supporting us! You can help us advance the aspirations of women in engineering through some of the following options. Please fill in the Individual Donation Allocation Form with your selection(s), then pay by PayPal or Check as instructed at the top of this page.
Donate to our Programs - Make a tax-deductible donation to one of our signature programs such as our scholarship fund. Check out our Scholarships page to learn more about that program. You can designate any preferences when you submit your donation.
Donate your time! - SWE-SD is always looking for volunteers. In the footer, please signup in Volunteer Interest Form and the Join our Mailing List.
Amazon Smile - Help SWE-SD while you shop! - Donate to the SWE-SD every time you shop at Amazon, all year long! The only difference between shopping at AmazonSmile vs. Amazon is the login page. To login through AmazonSmile, visit and enter your existing Amazon account information. Search for and select "Society of Women Engineers San Diego County" then AmazonSmile will automatically donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to us!
Company Matches - Does your company match donations? Does your company make donations for volunteer hours? Tap into your employer’s matching donation program to extend your individual contribution. Contact your Human Resources department for further details.
Company Sponsorship - Help your company become a sponsor! Educate your Public Relations, Human Resources, Employee Resource Group, or Engineering Department head about SWE-SD and connect them to our Sponsorship Chair for any sponsorship questions.