Section Nominations
FY25 Election Results
Dear SWE-San Diego Membership,
Thank you for voting for SWE-SD’s future leaders! The election results are in:
FY25 SWE San Diego Executive Council
FY25 SWE-SD President - Aileen Fahme
FY25 SWE-SD Vice President - Tracy Nguyen
FY25 SWE-SD Treasurer - Cassidy Thornbury
FY25 SWE-SD Recording Secretary - Kathleen Parker
FY25 SWE-SD Corresponding Secretary - Debra Kimberling
A brief statement introducing each new section officer and their goals for the upcoming year will be available on our section website shortly.
Thank you,
Liz Pollard & Sara Wheeland
FY24 SWE-SD Nominating Committee Co-Chairs
P.S. - Know someone (including yourself!) who's ready to get involved with SWE-SD and not quite ready for an officer position? They can join one of our committees! Committee descriptions are posted on our website. We're always looking for help with pulling events together, being a SWE champion at your company, engaging kids through hands-on outreach, mentoring collegiate sections, and more. Sign up here.